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Outcome Tracker Tour: Community & Economic Development

Free product overview that looks specifically at the needs of Economic Development agencies such as Microenterprise Development, Women’s Business Centers, and CDFIs. Includes an overview of self-service features, including online applications, surveys, and client portals. Depending on the types of organizations that register, we will also review the interfaces with DownHome Loan Manager, the SBA’s Nexus system, and HUD 9902.

Questions? The host for this webinar:

Dave Smucker
866-828-4782, Option 1

Are you a current Outcome Tracker user?

Please note that this webinar is an introduction to non-users, not product training. For more information about your training options as a user, please contact Customer Support.

March 18

Outcome Tracker Tour: Children’s Savings Accounts

May 20

Outcome Tracker Tour: Social Services